Successfully Representing

Thousands of Families


We are committed to assisting you and your family in every way possible in order for you to afford quality legal representation. We value the professional relationship between our clients and this office and strive to provide the most effective communication directly with the client.

Unparalleled Client Service


certBoard certified family law specialist


Close attorney-client relationships


windowTransparent & upfront legal fees


Focused on integrity & reliability


Ensuring maximum client comfort

Areas of Practice

When facing the family law system, it is highly beneficial to have a lawyer by your side who is well-versed and seasoned in the field.Our legal team has extensive experience with all aspects of family law, from standard divorce cases to complex custody battles. Regardless of what your case entails, we are devoted to our clients, and ensure each and every one is provided with an unparalleled level of integrity, support, and respect.

Family Law

The decision to divorce a spouse, relinquish care of your child to a custodial parent, and divide marital assets will be felt for many years by every member of your Nebraska family. At this difficult time, an experienced family law firm can give you the strength and confidence you need to move on with your life. For trusted advice and valued results, come to Adams & Sullivan, P.C., L.L.O., in Papillion.

Since 1951, our law offices and its predecessors have faithfully and successfully served individuals, couples and families in Greater Omaha with divorce and post-divorce issues that transition you and your loved ones to a brighter future. Our lawyers listen carefully to your wishes, respond with realistic assessments, and work hard to negotiate a favorable outcome for your uncontested, contested or high net worth divorce.

We also believe deeply in “the best interests of the child” and do whatever we can to minimize the potentially negative impact of divorce on children and help both parents maintain a prominent role in a child’s upbringing.

To arrange your initial consultation with one of our caring Nebraska family law attorneys, contact us.

Adams & Sullivan offers effective, cost-efficient representation for family law matters such as:

Our attorneys use their many years of experience, legal knowledge and personal service to protect your financial and emotional investments in your marriage — to end it with the dignity it deserves. Contact the skilled Omaha family law lawyers of Adams & Sullivan to arrange your initial consultation. Call 402-339-9550 or email us at


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1246 Golden Gate Dr Suite 1
Papillion, NE 68046


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The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.